Thursday, June 19, 2008

question #3

Justify or contradict these trends by citing examples.

MIS Trends:

-MIS users are more knowledgeable.
-More computing power is available to the user.
-Resistance to the implementation of emerging MIS is subsiding.
-MIS is becoming one of the primary means of increasing productivity.
-Companies are using MIS as a competitive strategy.
-MIS is becoming integral to the decision-making process.
-The end user is becoming the focus MIS activity.

The trends in MIS are definitely true because company who are using MIS are competitive and have the edge from others. They're also more productive because of having MIS system they can easily and effectively run their business. MIS users are more knowledgeable, because they can easily adapt from the changes that's happening in our world today. They do not remain on the old fashioned way which is manual because they don't want their company to be behind on the latest trends that arises nowadays. They want their company to be progressive and be competitive among others, maybe thats why resistance to the implementation of emerging MIS is subsiding.
With regard with its connectivity, people can easily communicate with others with no hassle and because millions of people nowadays uses internet.
For example, business companies can just promote and sell their products online so customers can just easily search to find and buy the products that they need with no hassle of going to the stores.

Emily Rose Evidientes

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